On Monday, October 31st 2011, the award-winning Yankee Doodle Dandy® E-Z Balloon Kit® was presented by Marianne Szymanski (Founder and President of Toy Tips, Inc.) on Toy Tips / Fox 6 “Wake Up” (morning television broadcast).
Watch the broadcast at: http://www.fox6now.com/news/wakeup/toytips/
Party hosts have limited time (and budgets) to decorate before an event. That’s why Creative Balloons® Mfg. Inc. developed the E-Z Safety Seal ® Ribbon Valved Balloon, available nationwide in the YANKEE DOODLE DANDY® E-Z BALLOON KIT ®. This is the perfect product for busy people who want easy to use, family-friendly, Do-It-Yourself party decorations.
E-Z BALLOON KIT ® is the EASIEST, FASTEST, and SAFEST balloon kit on the market! Now you can inflate, seal, and string a helium-filled balloon in just seconds.
View the 90-second Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/CreativeBalloonsMfg
Our family-owned and operated company is proud to have our unique American-made, family-friendly product selected by Toy Tips to be featured in this weekly news segment. This is a great honor!
Toy Tips is “an independent research and consulting firm. Using proven scientific and academic methods, [they] study and then report objective information and findings on toys that stimulate developmental growth for children of various ages, skill levels and special circumstances. [Their] toy testing results are based on studies and not positioned as “awards” to manufacturers. These results provide consumers assistance in making appropriate toy purchases for their children, grandchildren or in selecting gifts for other’s children. [Their] non-toy product reviews are tested for durability, ease of use, sensibility and value to the consumer.”

For more information about Creative Balloons Mfg. and the Yankee Doodle Dandy E-Z Balloon Kit, visit:http://ezballoonkit.com